Wednesday, November 5, 2008


kay no school today WOOHOO :]

so anyways go ready to go see my bebhh today :] yay haha
got there woke him up by knocking on his window but then he went back to sleep haha
i kept trying to wake him up but then he kept getting all grouchy on me that grummpy head
so then i went in the living room and watched a moovie it was really good and funny :] haha i love it
thhhen babe wke up went to sitt by me haha sucking up to me lol i guess he felt bad :] aww
then i maid me saimen and ate it
then went back on the couch with bebehh :] hehe then went to sleep together and woke up around 3 somthing after that we watched tv and on the computer hahaa we were making trouble lol we were wrestling and tickling eachother hahahaha so FUNNNNY !
i love it :] but then i accidently scratched his head then he got maad !
so then i went in the living room ate ice cream >:p was ssad but then when i was done went back to him and hugged him heheh i love him so damn much :] FOREVER & EVER ,

annd then went back sleep watched another moovie together, was really good and yeahh
then me and babe just talked and alla that and yeahh :]

then mom picked me up heheh babe said it was stink dont needa know but yeahh was stink lmao, WHATEVERS it wasssent hahaha,
yeahh went waikele went shopping yaay ;]
then went don quijote aw so cute then longs then went home and yeahh OBAMA WON

anyways gnight
school tomorrow SO GAYY

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