well i didnt blog yesterday so might as well, anyways yesterday was my winterball thingy it was fun babe came with (: he look so handsom idk i think the hotel was called pacific beach hotel its right next to the hiltons but yeh it was very pretty inside and fricken COLD ! but i loveed it (:
anyways played alot of games over there was very compatiton kind but oh wells for fun (: and then was time to take a group picture OMG so much of us couldnt even fit but had to make it fit it was pretty (:
after the shot we went to go eat omg my favorite foods (: pinapple GRILLED chicken bread and noodle MWAUH was good i love it (: i had to go for seconds haha and idc i was a fatass for tnight lol so SHUT UP !
then after we ate we went to go take pictures with only us not the damn group but yeh it came out alright i wanted to reshoot it but cannot, so then we went to watch games with all the other people there haha was so fricken funny the transvestied (sp) because there was this game and they had to only shake there bootty and make the timer thingy go up so then like it started haha omgg she started to shake it better than everyone but to bad she shim never won this other lady won and it was unbelivable cause she shaked funny
but anyways watched games then they called out prizes hawh i wanted the WII, N'd the new NANO ergh whtever
then went home around 12 man i was SO TIRED I WENT STRAIGHT TO SLEEP
kaay NOW THANKSGIVING well i woke up around 9ish 8ish cause went to go my auntys house to go color my moms co-workers friend hair so said by to my little cousin jacob said happy thanksgiving and alla that haha he was watching the barbie thingy before i left so yeh then went to my auntys house she has a new puppy name MIA so fluffy aw i kept playing with it (: and yehh then watched this scary movie haha i thought we were watching highschool musicla lol but yeh was so damn interesting the movie and scary ergh SCARRRY haha but yeah then ate this thigny my aunty maid was goood after that was just watching movie till my mommy was done and she fnally was haha then went mcdess ate there then went longs buy some ingredients to make the thingy my aunty maid and yeahh at home now
SHOPPPING TINIGHT SALE SALE SALE! waikele then pearls hopfully
ergh cant wait YAAY
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